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Updated: Feb 14

I have sooo many people who don’t get why I train daily, but I guess it’s in my genetic makeup, and also it keeps me LASER SHARP FOCUSED on the things I must do to keep me happy, and fulfilled. When I move my body... I feel better about myself.

I don’t do it because it's “swimsuit season” a few months away.

I don’t do it because I hate my body and I am trying to punish myself.

I don’t do it because of an Instagram reel of others people’s bodies I want to look like.

I do it because I’m always happier when I finish.

I do it because my mind gets clear, and my best ideas almost always come during a workout. In fact, my best business ideas and creations have come from when I’ve gone for my run or back from an ENERGISING BOOTCAMP with my ladies. Oh, and that STRESS of taking on too much at a time just seems so much easier to manage once I’m back. I can actually say ‘NO’ to a few things and plan them out better in my mind, and the best thing? I CAN ACTION anything.

What happens on days I’m just not feeling it? Not motivated enough?

I tie up my laces and go for a short walk ANYWAY! If I don’t want to face the world that day that’s fine, I STILL SHOW UP and do some stretches or home workouts from my Studio Online ( but I definitely don’t curl up in a ball or sit pondering till the ‘ON’ cycle is back.

Now I use a simple technique (there are tons!) but this one works for me.


  1. Forget motivation, do this instead: countdown 3/2/1 in your head + ACTION (even a small imperfect action will do!).

  2. Don’t THINK, just KEEP GOING, the reason you’re still where you are is that there may be too much thinking and not enough DOING.

  3. Keep MOVING forwards, the first few moments are the hardest, as you keep going and accomplish the smallest of tasks, (i.e. lace up shoes or bring out your mat) chances are you’ll never stop there, repeat the 3/2/1 in your head and KEEP GOING.

  4. What happens if you cave in? REPEAT THE ABOVE AGAIN AND AGAIN!

Who ever said a new habit was going to be easy?

It may take 21 days? You can still jump into my latest one here:

Also, to help us I have created an event, come hang out with us for March!

Strava Cardio Challenge join my CARDIO CLUB!

Come join us! You can do anything cardio based just make sure you record it as a ‘run’ so it gets uploaded into the leaderboard. As long as you show up daily with us you are WINNING!

What is cardio based exercise?

Cardio is defined as any type of exercise that gets your heart rate up and keeps it up for a prolonged period of time. Your respiratory system will start working harder as you begin to breathe faster and more deeply.

  • Run

  • Walk

  • Swim

  • Cycle

  • Row

  • Dance

  • Workouts

  • Hike

  • and more!

So, are you ready? CELEBRATE WHAT YOUR BODY CAN DO! AND GET GOING WITH THE THINGS YOU CAN CONTROL AND STILL DO! In a world that has gone mad! Let's keep going with the things we can do and not what we can’t. We keep moving forward no matter what, a day at a time ! Have an awesome Month! MOVE MORE MARCH, oh! and in April, May, June, July and so on! Hugs Natalie xxxx

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