The holiday season is ALMOST upon us, and that often means that even when we're right in the THICK OF IT.... we still end up spiralling out of control!
Family time
School breaks
Work obligations
and Travel!
So it ends up being the most hectic time of year!
I don’t know about you, but being busy makes it hard for me to slow down, be thankful, and take care of myself. Which is a shame, since a big part of this time of year is about having gratitude and remembering what’s really important.
So that's why I am COMMITTING to doing a SELF CARE CHALLENGE each November (click here for my next one or email us to check any that may be ongoing). / These challenges always keep me going on the right track!
I’ve been super busy with work these past few months. I feel a bit rundown, sleep is better (for now) but very overwhelmed, so I thought I’d take a moment to focus on thankful self-care and to talk a bit about what that may look like for you.
If like me, you're spinning a gudzillion plates, driving everyone to activities and dashing from A to B and "winging it" in the kitchen. Most days have been OK days but I haven't been able to explore or cook any NEW recipes lately or do my favourite training due to shoulder injuries!! And this leaves me a little deflated.
SO...... I have 3 little hacks which I always go by which really help when life squeezes too much. They are my mantras/affirmations and I always use either of these 3 (I've got them in Post Its and had them stuck all around the house at one point :)
I don't need to be perfect, I just need to do my best.
Today is an OK or better day (instead of best).
And when I'm really really struggling? I always use the "what's the worst that could happen".
They really, really help me calm down. My shoulders slowly start to lower down, butt cheeks relax and my jaw stops squeezing to the brink of cramping LOL! Even my heart feels a little lighter and I sort of feel a smile shining through!
AHHHHHH........did you feel that? Try it next time you're sitting at the desk working towards a deadline or rushing to get to that meeting, or sitting in traffic late for an appointment....... what’s the worst that could happen?
Relax shoulders, butt cheeks and jaws and SMILE!
Practicing Self Care This November: Whether you decide to take a minute with your journal or tap into your notes section on your phone, or just to think about them during your workout or your commute..... think about what you’re thankful for.
Don’t just think about the big picture, think about the little things, too. For example, I’m thankful for my kids of course, but specifically, I’m thankful for bedtime stories with them. I'm thankful for my partner too, but I'm specifically thankful for him cooking on off days and clearing up before the cleaners come round. I'm also thankful for shop delivery to my home, for that person who opened the door for me this morning.
Do you get the picture now? More specificity will allow more GRATITUDE on a daily basis. Rather than just the usual:
World Peace!
Thankful around Christmas and Holidays This practice can be really helpful when I start to get buried in the stress of the holidays. And while I think it’s common to think about what you’re thankful for around Christmas, I think many of us don’t actually take the time to do it. (Myself included…)
Ok, so we've thought about ENVIRONMENTAL and EXTERNAL things that we are thankful for; family, spouse, our surroundings, nature etc... So often we are thankful for the things that affect us, but not for ourselves specifically! This minor change in perspective can do a lot for your confidence, self-love, and overall happiness.
I’m thankful that I work hard, that I value my time with family, and that I’ve taken the time to better myself through therapy and self-discovery. What are yours? Maybe you are thankful that you’re healthy, that you’re a good friend, or that you prioritise your kids. Think about these things and use them when thinking about how to take care of yourself this holiday season.
Self-Care Activities SO the same as we practise being thankful, we also need to TOP UP with self-care……they just need to go hand in hand otherwise we end up being grateful for the things around us but feel a little disconnected on who’s truly IMPORTANT here. Yep, you’ve got it – that’s YOU! The person you’re stuck with forever! SO let's give ourselves a little self-care! Self-Care Activities: They can’t be connected to your work, chores, or other obligations! It's time to choose you! My Favourites are:
Keeping a gratitude journal: At first, I thought this was silly, now if I miss a week or two that pesky negative self-chat comes back to visit!
Trying a new recipe: I have a ton of recipes in my Health Hub!
Going on a walk: It’s great for your body, but also great for your mind. Bundle up, put on a podcast, and take some time out of the house for yourself.
Doing something new: This could just mean a new route when on your walk/run or wearing a dress instead of your usual shirt and trousers to the office.
Doing nothing: Sometimes the best kind of self-care is just to do nothing. Schedule a day to watch Netflix, stay in bed, or order dinner. It’s okay to take a break!
So just the same as the car needing petrol, or the phone needing a plug-in…. you also need to recharge! It's so hard to be THANKFUL when you’re running on empty! Will you take some Thankful Self-Care this Month? Let me know if you do! You deserve it! Hugs Natalie x
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