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Writer's picture: Natalie HillNatalie Hill

Updated: Feb 14, 2024

So many people tell me “but Natalie, eating healthy is expensive!”

And they are right to a certain degree.

But let me give you a little tough love here. How many times do we catch ourselves saying this exact same thing but then wine and dine out 3 to 4 times monthly?

We can easily spend over £200 going to restaurants and ordering takeaways and online food deliveries!

Holidays, events and summer time is great to overspend a little of course.

BUT do we carry these same spending habits all year round?

Yes? Maybe? OK I want to help you here!

I’m going to share with you what I do and some little tricks and hacks to try :) x

Herbs and Spices:

So when I go to the big stores for a weekly shop I find that if I check the international aisle first to get my herbs and spices (packaging is more economic and less costly here) Go and check for yourself – I was shocked when I compared it with the regular spice-racks!

I also love packaged salads – because its all done for you. You don’t have to shave carrots or buy separate items like sweetcorn or cherry tomatoes. However buying the salad items individually not only is cheaper but its way more fresh and your salad will crispier and taste better.

I usually buy enough for a HUGE salad, and once salad is done I leave the remaining left overs in an airtight container for the rest of the week.

Include more veggies into your kids meals and in yours!

-Grate courgettes into minced meat and make your patties / burgers / meatballs

-Include a salad (instead of bread) AT EVERY MEAL, so this becomes the norm and kids and the grown ups too will slowly implement more veggies into your diets!

-Smoothies / juices – for years and years I blended in avocado and spinach into my kids smoothies. They didn’t notice because I was also piling in the strawberries and bananas :)

Rice is confusing! When you actually visit the aisle in the supermarket, having to choose the healthiest one is hard! I go for bulk and cheap brown rice and mix in some soup broth when cooking so its tasty!

Another rice trick – stir fry some garlic and Himalayan salt in the pan and then add the rice and stir fry a little more. Add enough boiling water to soak the rice but no excess. When water has evaporated, rice should be thawed and ready to eat. Stir carefully and serve :) x

So you don’t have to eat “boring” when eating healthy – you just need to be a little creative :)

Fizzy Drinks are expensive too. This I was blown away with because a little change went a LONG WAY with me and my kids and my pocket! Now I stick to water and I add fruit or have some sparkling water (has to be S. Pelligrino) and add some lime wedges. There are also fruit sachets you can use.

When we’re out out :) We stick to sparkling water and I bring along a secret item for the kids (the little squeezable miniature Robinsons bottles!) They are expensive I know but I can easily make 30 drinks out of one tiny bottle!

PRO TIP! Cool drinks in fridges ARE MORE EXPENSIVE than the ones on shelves! This is funny but it's true! I recently went to buy some beer for a BBQ and when we compared labels there was a huge difference in price!

Chicken + my “on the go” Protein Boost Intake Hack:

I buy chicken in bulk (if on sale even better) and then trim it up and freeze them. So I have plenty for at least 2 weeks.

My protein boost hacks – I boil eggs and place them into an IKEA sandwich bag (you can use any sandwich bags – I just love IKEA :) I add 2 peeled eggs into each bag and season with some balsamic vinegar salt + pepper and shake the bag. Makes a great snack on the go.

Not all I buy is cheaper or in bulk – for example I use stevia and coconut oil. Sometimes when I do my 4 week photoshoot ready shred challenge I will also buy extra at the organic health store some sun warrior protein shake and other items which are mega expensive BUT it's only a couple of times a year.

These healthy items can also be ordered online (there are many) but I have used if you are ok in buying in bulk and you may have to spend a little on pack/post for DHL and duty at customs.

It’s a personal choice – I tend to go for local if you like the experience and checking on new items. I also take advantage on the sale items and promotions.

Would you like to follow me along as I go to the store to get some groceries? Watch below :)

Coffee, latties, Costa!

It's such a lovely feeling walking out the door, grabbing your coffee from Costa or Starbucks on the way to work each morning. It's like a little daily ritual treat :) I’m all about self care - I know! BUT a coffee on the go every single day is EXPENSIVE! Buying your own reusable cup called a “keep cup” and having it at home or taking it with you on your way to work could be the very difference in you saving £15 to £20 weekly! That’s a shocking £80 monthly!


Meal Prep is a SUPER SAVER!

Meal prepping doesn’t have to be boring or overwhelming! But face it – how many times do we get caught off guard??!! We either buy in a rush or worse still, buy when hungry and in a rush!! We know we’re definitely going to overspend here. Meal prepping goes beyond eating healthily for me. It allows me to take away the small weekly stresses out of my life so I can focus on what’s important:

-Self development and training

-Quality time with my kids and hubby

-My business

But I know it’s a hard habit to form that’s why I am giving you a FREE Meal Prep Planner (download PDF below) and let me know how it goes! I’ve also got a FAB Grocery List and weekly meals in my 4 week Photoshoot Ready Challenge! Would you like to be notified when this programme becomes available? Sign up HERE.

Planning out meals and knowing EXACTLY what you’ll be eating for the next working week (allow yourself some fun meals at weekends) will be a HUGE saver on your shop list – try it and check your monthly outgoings :)

Bottom Line

So you see? There are TONS of things you can do to cut your money spending in half and still eat healthily.

It's an investment

Think of the medical bills and prescriptions you’ll be saving.

And also think of the experiences you will have when you feel stronger and healthier. Once you STOP NEGLECTING YOUR BODY, the feelings and experiences will be totally worth it!

You’ll be giving yourself the BEST GIFT OF ALL

The gift of a longer and richer life!

So small changes make a HUGE DIFFERENCE!

I talk the same way in my challenges and my weight loss and fat loss groups.

Small manageable steps over time, create momentum towards


Forever :)

Natalie x

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