This year has been quite a ride for everyone I'm sure! I'm certain I speak for many when I say its all still clicky, clunky and although we've enjoyed more freedom of late, we're not out of the woods yet and uncertainty is still the lingering theme.....
Virtual health is here to stay, but integration with in-person care is also key.
This is EXACTLY what I have been doing for over a decade and COVID just edged me to develop it onto another level :)
I have throughout the years created programmes which have become the most PRACTICAL and FLEXIBLE to integrate into our lives. Why?
Because I had to, FOR ME.
But what do I personally when life blips? I create, innovate, journal, do my training, take care of my food choices. I push hard on my goals.
But, I'm also a mum, a wife, a business owner.......and I know how life can SQUEEZE….!
In fact I was so squeezed at one point, I had to ADAPT into a whole new system, and adapt FAST. A new created system (just for me) things that worked for ME and my own circle.
-I had to take advantage of more runs / walks as needed to be flexible with my time
-Food became very basic and quick easy healthy meals done in 15mins max was the way to go
-Mixed TABATA and Pilates based workouts into my week together with my runs.
It was impossible to commit to a gym membership, a weekly class.......any sort of routine
I had to do a lot of mindset work and SELF MOTIVATE and SELF COACH myself - not ideal I know!
But I got into GREAT SHAPE mentally and physically!
I now take this approach as my lifestyle :) x
We are now working on levelling UP the EMOTIONAL HEALTH and other aspects together within the groups and challenges.
YES to Fitness
YES to Nutrition
YES to Mindset work
AND YES to Emotional Health!
The Focus I have set on QUALITY and VALUE to my programmes this year has been INSANE
It has all STEPPED UP
I have also created A GREAT SUPPORT and COMMUNITY SPACE. I understand what its like to BE STUCK and STRUGGLE
But I also know how to SUCCEED.
So let me ask you...
Are looking for a FRESH NEW APPROACH?
A space you can be seen and heard and understood, BUT also to TAKE ACTION!
You get all the frills and well-being tools but with me alongside with you!
I have SHORT TERM or LONGTERM programmes, whatever you need right now. Or will do in 2022.
AND It's all on Pre-Black Friday Bargains!!
Jan 2022
First 10 Sign Up Special Discount QUICK! (email us) contact@nataliehill.com
More on the Health Hub Click: https://www.nataliehill.com/your-health-hub
Theme Jan 2022 is:
-Setting the REAL RESOLUTIONS this time….without the fizzle.
-Goals, Habits, Objectives…..Get into the right headspace for an amazing year ahead
-All the content, meals plans, recipes, calendars, training and me coaching you all in the membership!
But! Maybe you're not ready for a membership deal just yet? So look what's coming in February 2022!!
Feb 2022
21 Day Up Level Your Life Challenge is BACK!
And on a Pre-BLACK FRIDAY Bargain too!

Click here if you want to UP LEVEL YOUR LIFE IN 2022 You will find more information and all the details you need!
I do hope to see you in one of my offerings in 2022 x
There is nothing I want more than to see YOU get energised and empowered to move forward in LIFE x
Lets keep moving forward together !!
Your coach and friend
Natalie xxxx
Would you like to sign up for my weekly newsletter? https://bit.ly/NHsubscribe
P.S. I also have limited boutique classes at the studio 2 afternoons and 1 one morning weekly starting in January - THESE GET FILLED INSANELY FAST as they are EMPOWERING Fitness + Mind Classes so very sought after. Shout out hurry I may be able to squeeze you in! Email / Message us back for more information x
And Last But Not Least......
Website Launch end of March 2022 - watch out for VIP Invite Opportunities coming Soon!
So to Recap!
1. January: TAKE CHARGE With a new fresh approach SYSTEM that's created with YOU in mind. First 10 Sign Up Special Discount QUICK! (email us) contact@nataliehill.com
More on the Health Hub Click: https://www.nataliehill.com/your-health-hub
2. February: Up-Level Your Life 21 Day Challenge! https://www.nataliehill.com/ulyl
3. March: Website Launch and VIP Party! Watch Out for Invites! http://bit.ly/NHsubscribe
4. Face to Face Classes BUT SLOTS RUN OUT QUICK - so hurry :) (email us) contact@nataliehill.com